One of my favorite rivers in Texas is the San Marcos. The website The Southwest Paddler has an excellent article and map of the river here http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://southwestpaddler.com/images/SanMarcosmap11.gif&imgrefurl=http://southwestpaddler.com/docs/guad7.html&usg=__crVFqhz1OMxWrJMb5dcMymteel8=&h=541&w=306&sz=23&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=HvwTYWdRMqhZZM:&tbnh=132&tbnw=75&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsan%2Bmarcos%2Briver%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4ACEW_en___US333%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1.
I enjoy tubing on the river. It's often a more family friendly river to do some tubing on, particularly during the weekdays during the summer. It springs forth from the ground at the former amusement park and now university property called Aquarena Springs. We used to go there as a kid, and we'd marvel at the huge fish we could see in the headwaters of the river from the glass bottom boats.
We'd stay at the Aquarena Springs resort hotel, and my dad and I would trek off down into town to do some fishing on the river. From my young teenage years, I used to read the outdoor writing of a San Marcos based newpaperman named Russell Tinsley. He and his writer friend A.C. Becker did a lot of fishing on the San Marcos. And both wrote about it.
As a kid and teen I would read the now defunct monthly newspaper called The Texas Fisherman, which was published in Houston. Tinsley and Becker both contributed many articles to that august publication, which contained articles about all kinds of Texas fishing, fresh and salt.
Often, Tinsley's articles made mention of the San Marcos River. Reading his and Becker's articles about the great fishing on that river hooked me long before I was old enough to drive a car, or even need a fishing license. One of my favorite fishing books is by Tinsley and is called Night Fishing In Texas. It's a great tutorial on fishing for various types of fish at night.
Fishing will be good during the next few months, I suspect, on the San Marcos with the large amount of rain we've gotten the past few weeks.
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