I can't seem to find a good picture that'll fit sizewise of the Remington 1911r1, but just google it and you can see pics of it. The only real exterior differences between the new one and the one shown above is that the new one has better sights and no lanyard ring. But you can see a picture of a new Remington 1911r1 here
Those of you who follow handguns likely know that Remington is now making a Model 1911 handgun after 91 years or something like that. Called the 1911r1, I don't know what the retail price is in my area yet but I've heard forum claims they were going online for as little as $519.
It's as close as you can get to the real deal from way back when, with the addition of a Series 80 transfer bar safety to prevent accidental discharges. Purists say that optimal trigger tuning cannot be accomplished on a gun with this type of safety mechanism, but I disagree, at least for myself. I prefer a gun that doesn't have a hair trigger, rather, a smooth trigger pull is what I like. I've owned and shot at least several dozen 1911 Colts and variants which all had this safety feature, and mostly found the triggers to be excellent. The Commander I owned that had been tuned for combat had an exceptional trigger.
I've been wanting a basic 1911 to school El Fisho Jr. in the fine art of shooting the 1911, and this gun might just be the ticket for a great gun at a great price. And, it's made in the USA!
I've never had any bad luck with any Remington product, be it rifle, shotgun or ammo. El Fisho Jr. and I had been looking at the military models from Rock Island, Taurus and Springfield, and had pretty much decided on the Springfield MilTech for him, but this Remington throws a major wrinkle into the mix. Mr. WWI and WWII history man, El Fisho Jr. already knows about Remington Rand 1911's from way back when, so all I had to explain was that they had stopped making them after WWI and that they were now making them again.
El Fisho Jr., like his father, is largely sold on the .45 ACP as a defensive caliber. Having recently shot a lot of full moon clips out of the family Model 1917 and lots of mags out of my Glock Model 36 has enamored El Fisho Jr. with the cartridge itself. He likes the lower recoil of the caliber compared to other big bore handgun calibers, and finds it more pleasant to shoot than a 9mm Nato round. He's shot a box of shells each from a Sig model P250 and a Sig P239, both in 9mm, and prefers the Glock M36, even though the 36 has a bit more umph to it's recoil.
I'm glad to see the gun isn't being made in some other country, particularly one in asia. I'm glad it's made in America. I hope most or all of the parts are made in the USA as well. It's time for the American people to bring America back and bring all of the businesses American companies farm out overseas to America. We'll have to pay more for what we buy, but it's time we were doing the selling to foreign countries and not the buying.
I've been thinking strongly about buying an American car for our next ride. It's been a while since we've owned one. Perhaps this pistol will be a another step in the right direction as well. Buy local, and buy American!
It's as close as you can get to the real deal from way back when, with the addition of a Series 80 transfer bar safety to prevent accidental discharges. Purists say that optimal trigger tuning cannot be accomplished on a gun with this type of safety mechanism, but I disagree, at least for myself. I prefer a gun that doesn't have a hair trigger, rather, a smooth trigger pull is what I like. I've owned and shot at least several dozen 1911 Colts and variants which all had this safety feature, and mostly found the triggers to be excellent. The Commander I owned that had been tuned for combat had an exceptional trigger.
I've been wanting a basic 1911 to school El Fisho Jr. in the fine art of shooting the 1911, and this gun might just be the ticket for a great gun at a great price. And, it's made in the USA!
I've never had any bad luck with any Remington product, be it rifle, shotgun or ammo. El Fisho Jr. and I had been looking at the military models from Rock Island, Taurus and Springfield, and had pretty much decided on the Springfield MilTech for him, but this Remington throws a major wrinkle into the mix. Mr. WWI and WWII history man, El Fisho Jr. already knows about Remington Rand 1911's from way back when, so all I had to explain was that they had stopped making them after WWI and that they were now making them again.
El Fisho Jr., like his father, is largely sold on the .45 ACP as a defensive caliber. Having recently shot a lot of full moon clips out of the family Model 1917 and lots of mags out of my Glock Model 36 has enamored El Fisho Jr. with the cartridge itself. He likes the lower recoil of the caliber compared to other big bore handgun calibers, and finds it more pleasant to shoot than a 9mm Nato round. He's shot a box of shells each from a Sig model P250 and a Sig P239, both in 9mm, and prefers the Glock M36, even though the 36 has a bit more umph to it's recoil.
I'm glad to see the gun isn't being made in some other country, particularly one in asia. I'm glad it's made in America. I hope most or all of the parts are made in the USA as well. It's time for the American people to bring America back and bring all of the businesses American companies farm out overseas to America. We'll have to pay more for what we buy, but it's time we were doing the selling to foreign countries and not the buying.
I've been thinking strongly about buying an American car for our next ride. It's been a while since we've owned one. Perhaps this pistol will be a another step in the right direction as well. Buy local, and buy American!
Remington Rand is in no way related to this weapon. Remington umc is the company.