Yes, I've got the Port A blues big time. Billy Ray and his friend Shrimper Dan are down there as I write this, the second day into a multiple day beach fishing camp trip. I was invited, but had to stay home to work, and I was really bummed out that I had to turn down this particular trip.
Billy Ray came by the other night and I loaded him up with a surf rod and a bay rod and some other assorted tackle and advice. He and Shrimper Dan have been good friends for many years, having once worked together 20+ years ago. I've had the pleasure of hanging with Shrimper Dan on several occasions and he's a real nice guy.
It seems like every time he and Billy Ray invite me to go on a beach fishing trip that I've got some sort of absolute prior commitment that can't be broken, or they're doing it on week days and not a week end. They've stopped by at least once before in the 90's to gear up for a trip, needing rods and reels and lures and such. I think Shrimper Dan has his own tackle, but Billy Ray back then was living in the wilds of West Texas and I had most of the stuff he needed.
In any event, I hope they're having a good time and that their lines are tight and that they are catching something. I'm sure I'll get a call this evening or tomorrow telling me how great it was.
I do look forward to the report of their intended visit to ISLAND TACKLE in Port Aransas. They're actually going to buy some inexpensive but super long (13' to 15') surf rods and reels at this establishment which I've raved about, or they may rent them depending on what they think about hauling these rods that only break down down into two 6.5 feet or 7.5 feet sections. A rod that long can be difficult to transport except in a truck or flex-tied to a luggage rack.
In any event, I'll report on what adventures their trip held for them. Some hilarity generally ensues on Billy and Dan trips, or some mishap where they don't get hurt but they have struggles with gear and with insect and other outdoor issues that usually could have been avoided.
So I look forward to a repeat of this weekend. I have a couple of good fishing spots I like down on Mustang Island and out on Padre Island National Seashore (PINS). But there are plenty of good spots in and near Port A for good fishing, both on the beach ad in the bay.
I hope to convince Billy Ray and Shrimper Dan to do some bay fishing in the future as well. There are "houseboats", and I use the term loosely as they are more floating platform than boat, that are anchored up and down the various bays of the mid and lower Texas coast. They are permitted by the TPWD and they rent for pretty reasonable rates. They have electricity and bathroom facilities and basically are like a small floating fishing cabin, usually with a porch with lights around the outside for fishing.
We'd like to take a fun weekend on one of these floating barges. They are generally in isolated areas known for having healthy fisheries, or so some of my friends who have stayed there tell me.
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