Banjo Jones has a post about late comic Bill Hicks, and a movie about him over at Banjo's Place. Here's the link to the post
a movie about Bill Hicks, the late, great standup comedian, is coming out this summer
Like Banjo, I was a big Bill Hicks fan. I saw him several times do his act, and also saw him in action at times at certain bars.
In the late 80's and early 90's, he hung out on occasion when he was in Houston at an establishment which I used to frequent with some regularity, Cecil's and it's predecessor, Blythe Spirits. Cecil's was on West Gray between Taft and Montrose, and was owned by Kim Blythe, who also owned Blythe Spirits, which was next door to where Cecil's was located in this weird wooden type of strip/office center affair.
I played in a large number of bands that played Blythe Spirits regularly in the late 80's and early 90's, and when I wasn't playing there, I was often there watching various bands that my friends played in. Houston had a very supportive live original music scene back then, and there was a lot of good music being made.
Likewise, there was a lot of funny comedy going on at several inside the loop locales. A lot of the comedians and musicians and artists and Urban Animals and actors from the Alley and the like tended to hang at watering holes like Blythe Spirits and Cecil's.
I didn't know him well, but one of my friends knew him very well and I understand he was a very nice guy.
In any event, he died way too young and my guess is that he'd have a TV show by now rivaling the best humorous TV pundits on the air. He was a Houstonian, and as I've said before about ZZ and some other famous Houstonians, I can't help but be proud of local boys and girls done good.
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