The above-pictured holster is the Galco Speed Paddle for a S&W J frame. I bought this holster last year and have used it a couple of times, and it's just not for me. It rides a bit high on the belt/pantsline for me. It's a shame because it's one of the best made holsters I've ever owned, as far as the leather work goes. I'd like to have some sort of hip holster made just like this one but with a big belt slot on the back. That's how much I like this holster.
But one of my primary carry guns, the Smith and Wesson Model 38 Bodyguard, is a bit top heavy for this holster, as is Billy Ray's Centennial, although the latter is less top heavy. The Chief's Special Model 36 and it's Taurus imitations ride better, I guess because they have a lower center of gravity.
In any event, I'll hit the gun forums and offer up a trade for a nice holster. Number one on the list would be the Galco Speedmaster for a J Frame. I recent got one for my Colt Cobra and talked about it here at Great Snub Nose Holsters Part One. It is truly an excellent concealed carry holster for a snubnose.
I'll entertain other trades as well, but since the Galco Speed Paddle retails for somewhere in the $70-$80 dollar range, I'd like it to be a nice one. I'd even take older holsters if they were in like new condition. I'll probably offer to take a Bianchi Askins Avenger for a subcompact .45 or a Glock 19.
I'm also looking right now for a nice vintage Bianchi Paddle Holster for the J Frame. I have one of those for my Cobra, which I bought new nearly 30 years ago along with my NIB Cobra when I graduated from the academy. The Bianchi Paddle Holster had a suede covered paddle, which was very comfortable and also stayed where it was supposed to. It's not so much a concealment holster as a carry holster, for colder weather. It's also the ultimate field holster, as it is stable and can be thrown on and off as needs or comfort require. The Bianchi paddle sits lower than the Galco, significantly so, and thus rides more securely on thinner belts.
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