The *anonymous* prosecutor-blogger Arthur Seaton at Saturday Night and Monday Morning posts today:
"I mean, if you’re gonna go, it might as well be by autoerotic asphyxiating accident in Thailand. "
To that, I can only add, as one Houston Chronicle poster said: "two words I don't want in my obit-Autoerotic asphyxiation."
Arthur Seaton is brief in his verbage but is also highly entertaining in his content and what he has to say. For more about Arthur, go to
I'll post more later on this weekend about an evening fishing trip I took yesterday, when one of my fishing buddies who does not have the internet postulated a bizarre scenario that somehow, in a way that only my fishing buddy (who we'll call The Master Carpenter) can comprehend, and yet not explain to others, as to how the Bruce Lee legacy could somehow allegedly be involved in the Kung Fu star's death.
As the Master Carpenter said: "Mark my words. Before all is said and done, they will find out that Carradine's alleged suicide had something to do with someone being mad about the way Bruce Lee was treated."
When I was regaling fellow blogger R.J. MacReady at MacReady's Ice House with this gem, R.J. retorted: "And here I thought that King of the Hill was just a cartoon."
Now, the Master Carpenter truly is a master of carpentry and various other construction methods. He is as much artiste as he is craftsman. He worked on my place for about 4 months a few years ago and I got extremely high quality work for a reasonable rate. He used to be a high powered construction manager of high end homes, but found the stress not worth his paycheck. Since then, he's been his own man and is as happy as he can be.
We were out at his family ranch with his brother, The Cowboy, and their father, The Rodeo Star. Cowboy is one of my main hang around friends, and his father has a hilarious story for every moment of the day.
After we finished our fishing, which resulted in one 3 lb bass for me and one for The Rodeo Star and unfortunately none for the Master Carpenter, we were back at the outdoor hanging out spot (shaded screened Gazebo, garden, cooking center, outdoor dining room and recreation area). It's been the project of Cowboy for several years now, a present for his mother, a place in the middle of their 300 acres where she can throw her famous 4th of July bash and entertain friends and family in temperate weather.
I would have stopped building out the area several years ago when it was merely an over-the-top outdoor resort, but Cowboy, with the help of the Master Carpenter, have gone into overdrive and it's a highly relaxing environment. It sits on a hill right above a fish filled tank (pond to the city folks) and the sun sets over the far end of the pond, which is a high tree filled ridge.
So as the Master Carpenter and I were recounting Master Carpenter's Bruce Lee legacy theory, which basically involves some wild, fanatical Bruce Lee fan who is still upset that David Carradine got the Kung Fu role instead of Lee 4 decades ago. I'm afraid Master Carpenter's theory requires a bit too much of a jump in logic and reality for me, but it's working for him.
So after all of this, Cowboy remarked "I didn't know he was so well-hung". The Rodeo Star deadpanned "I guess his kung fu wasn't strong enough".
In the end, I can't believe it was the way he wanted to go. Sympathies to his family and friends, and apologies to the Bruce Lee faction for the Master Carpenter's hairbrained theory.
It's all food for thought, dudes and dudettes. We're only on this planet for a very short time. That time seemingly moves faster as we grow older. And we're all here to do what we're all here to do.
Me and Fishing Musician Jr. have to go fishing tomorrow evening. It's what I'm here to do.
Azerbaijan PKM Production
10 hours ago
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