One of the things I'm trying to do with all of the seemingly random postings I do here is make a database of sorts of cool stuff to assist you in accomplishing music making or fishing. Both of these activities give me great enjoyment and really help me relax, and perhaps in a way, be myself.
So by writing about different types of fishing and music gear, maybe others who never heard of these items might find something they are interested in. I wonder just how many fishing musicians there are out there? In America? In the World?
One of the products I remember using as a youth was a small foam boat known as The Water Wagon. Made up near Amarillo, it was marketed in lots of outdoor magazines during the 1970's. Essentially, it is a small pontoon type boat between which a seat was mounted on a frame that connected the two pontoons. A small electric or gas motor (2 hp) could be hooked up, or the user could wear swim fins since his feet dangled in the water.
I found some interesting posts on the subject at a forum I often read for fishing information in Texas about Water Wagons. There are now many types of small single user crafts available, and some are very nice and very expensive. I've seen one model that can be collapsed and backpacked to remote fisheries, weighing about 24 pounds. It doesn't look that comfortable to be taking on a long high elevation hike to a mountain lake in Calfornia, but I'll be damned if some of my friends have not done just that.
In any event, the coolest thing about the water wagon derivative boat is that it can be homemade. There are different types of foam and construction methods but if you're reasonably handy with a few tools, you could make a nice farm pond or state park size lake fishing boat. Some of these boats are sturdy enough for big bass boat type seats and small 2 hp motors, although the electric motor might be a better choice for a boat this size.
I've fished in a variety of boats like this. I'm not always a big fan of getting my feet wet, and at times in certain weedy locales I've almost felt as if my feet and calves were snake bait, but a inexpensive plastic set of strap on snakeguards cured most of that fear.
Still, there was that time on the San Marcos while tubing with some friends that a HUGE water moccasin lay perfectly camo'd on a lilly pad and weed patch next to the shoreline. I almost didn't see him, he was that well hidden in plain sight. Fortunately, he didn't feel like messing with us.
So here are some links to some threads about water wagon type boats.
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