In truth, he's never been lost. It's not surprising that many of the stories used to explain his absence are not true, such is the nature of internet lore. But I am glad that he is alive and well.
A few years ago, I posted several posts about Rod, here and here. Earlier this year, I was contacted via email by the editor of Classic Rock magazine, an excellent UK based publication that I've always bought via Barnes and Noble. I think the editor was surprised that I had heard of and even bought their magazine, and he advised me that he was on a quest to find Rod De'Ath and had stumbled across my blog. He inquired as to whether I had any direct contact information for Rod.
I didn't, but I did have the email addys of one of his cousins, and after going through checks to see if it was ok if I released the email information, I assume that Classic Rock magazine and Rod's cousin were able to get in touch thus enabling Classic Rock to do a short feature on Rod.
Wes Callihan was nice enough to send a comment via one of the old Rod De'Ath posts I had made advising me of Rod's appearance in Classic Rock magazine. Here's the link to the story and pics of Rod.
I'd been meaning to write about this, but had not. Thanks Wes, for reminding me what I needed to do.
I don't know if my information helped, but I asked the editor a few months ago if he would send me a link to whatever story he came up with. Believe it or not, the editor DID REMEMBER and last month sent me a link to the story and pic of Rod De'Ath, alive and well.
I really appreciated the fact that this great editor from Classic Rock magazine remembered to email me and tell me he had found Rod and sent a link to his story. It's nice not to be forgotten, as so many folks we deal with nowadays seem to do.
Azerbaijan PKM Production
13 hours ago
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