I was moved beyond belief when I read various articles in this mornings papers about how many former Secret Service Agents who had served Mrs. Barbara Bush, the former FLOTUS of our great land.
In a time of bad news after bad news, and even in the sorrow of the passing of an American Icon like Mrs. Bush, it's the kind of story that made my day and nothing can take away that kind of feeling of pride and joy in the acts of some Secret Service Agents showed just how far their loyalty goes.
One former agent penned an article for CNN about his personal experiences with Mrs. Bush. You can read some other articles about the agents coming out to protect her here, and especially here, where you can see numerous photos of agents protecting her.
The articles I've read don't reflect whether there were any of the current Bush family protective unit with her body, but I suspect they might have been busy with President Bush and all of the travel involved in this funeral for him.
It's so touching, in these times, to see the camaraderie and esprit de corps of these fine agents as they come, likely from other parts of the USA, to do their final duty for their principal. No telling what kind of personal things were going on in their own life, but likely some had some important milestones or issues going on in their life, yet they hear the bugle call to duty and here they are.
As an American, a Texan and a former Houstonian, I salute these agents for their loyalty and respect.
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