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I want to blog a bit about the Mosin rifles I have. I have one the is the Model 91/30 with the 28" barrel configuration and one that is a Model1938 carbine with an 18" barrel. I think the 91/30 was made around 1917 or so. I looked up some internet information regarding design and stamps and serial numbers and so on.
The M1938 carbine will remain mostly unaltered. It is in excellent condition. I was so impressed by a recent drop in trigger module, and they swear it IS actually a drop in trigger replacement, for the Mosin (in a post over at All Outdoors where a guy spends a grand to get a pretty rocking Mosin) that I'd like to have the trigger addition.
I'm lucky. Both of my guns, which cost a combined total of less than $200, are in great shape. The trigger on the 91/30 is fair, but it's the one I'd like to replace first. The bonus about this replacement trigger I read about is that it has a nice safety built in, so you don't have to use the cumbersome safety of the Mosin.
For all the Mosin or Russian gun haters out there, I have more expensive, more attractive and very nice rifles that rival every aspect of the Mosin but one: incredibly cheap ammo, that happens to be a highly effective large feral hog round. Cheap ammo means lots of practice at long range predatory hog shooting.
The M1938 is a solid gun. It's iron sights are highly accurate, and for what it is, i.e. a five round mag carbine powerhouse, it's a great gun. Visually, to some extent, the Mosin Nagant carbines with their shorter barrels reminds me of the more expensive H-K hunting rifles of the 1980's.
I like having iron sights on a carbine. I'd like to have it machined to accept a shoot through mount for a scope, where I could still use the stock sights. A
The trigger on my M1938 compares with any fine rifle I've shot. A great trigger. I don't want to replace it, but I'm just going to have to add the above-mentioned trigger module that includes a built in safety, just to avoid the onerous safety on the Mosin. I just don't have complete confidence in it, and it's just not conducive for me to use. Some like it, others don't. I'm in the latter.
Likewise, I've been using a slip on recoil pad, but would like to fit a Pachmayr pad to it and cover the small stock with a big cheekrest in a leather cover. I really do like the fit and feel of the regular stock on this gun, and with a substantial recoil pad the LOP is just right for me. The grooves in the forestock are in just the right places for my fingers for shooting the carbine, or so I have found.
As far as the 91/30 goes, I'd like to put a modern, lighter weight stock with a bi-pod for the long and heavy barrel. Something with a nice adjustable, padded cheekrest. As did the author in the All Outdoors post, I'd like to get the bolt modified for scope use and have the receiver milled for a shoot through scope mount, because even though the trigger is not near as nice on this gun as on the M1938, it does shoot well and is quite accurate.
El Fisho Jr. hit a knot in a recently downed tree on the Brazos River shoreline a few years ago, and dang if that hit didn't put a substantial crack in that still green and hard tree. I've seen the damage the round can do with a large feral hog, and it's a good round for them. Some of my friends with farms who suffer damage yearly from these hungry and overpopulated hogs like their Mosins for the power and the cheap ammo.
So I want to get the 91/30 milled for a scope and I want to use a shoot through mount so that the stock sights can be used alternatively. I've had this type mount on my first deer gun, a Marlin 30-30, and have always used the shoot through when possible.
Of course, the 91/30 will need a mounted folding bi-pod. It's a big and heavy gun.
Anyone the least bit knowledgeable about Mosin rifles and carbines know that the bolt must be altered so that a conventionally positioned scope can be mounted. There's companies that will take your bolt and rework it to a bend
bolt handle to accomodate a scope.
For those not wanting to go to that trouble, there is some sort of scout scope type mount that replaces the rear sight mount on the gun, thus removing the rear sight. I have been really impressed with the stock sights of these guns.
Both of these guns have proven their reliability over time. The Glock did it in relatively few years, but guns like the Mosin rifles and AK-47's and Smith and Wesson and Colt revolvers and the 1911, to name a few, are still shooting many decades after they were made.
The spare parts, of course, are good to keep around, properly labeled and stored away with proper procedures like greasing or oiling if necessary.
So I'll update you on just how far I get with either one. I've got a rubber bolt on replacement pad for the M1938, that's frankly not much improvement over the metal butt end of the stock gun and I've been using a slip on recoil pad from a junior sized .410 shotgun. The pad fits well but the rubber sleeve is too big for the odd shaped Mosin stock and it's not a big problem as it stays put but I'd like to trim the rubber sleeve down or cover it in a leather cover.
The recoil pad issue is the main improvement needed for the M1938, because frankly everything else is working excellently.
These days, for a hundred dollar gun, more or less since the carbines do sell for a bit more most places, it's a great gun. Also considering you can buy 440 rounds for a $100 and get some change back. It's a great camp gun to have handy to deal with a surprise crazy hog or rabid skunk or bobcat who doesn't want to stay away from you as most normal wild animals do. My M1938 is handy enough and light enough and certainly accurate enough to take out any poisonous snake that won't leave you alone, although some kind of shotgun is always the preferred weapon for me with large, fast moving, poisonous snakes.
Again I'll state that I'm not a hunter, but I do fish a lot in wild places that feature critters that are sometimes sick or aggressive and in those cases, when it's me or the critter, and I'll do everything I can to avoid an encounter, but if unavoidable in a fishing camp a good 12 gauge shotgun with buckshot and a large caliber rifle are two good things to have handy for wild surprises.
The Mosin Nagant rifle and carbines remind of an earlier times, when these were state of the art weapons. Later, as they were replaced by the SKS and the AK-47 and the Dragonov and the PSL rifles, as I understand it they made their way to countless third world nations and rebels and just everywhere. I think I saw a Mosin in the hands of a rebel in one of the numerous African uprisings and unrest on a web photo.
Certainly, you see PSL and AK-47's of many variants in the various mid-east wars going on. I noted some of the Kurdish fighters had PSL rifles, and remembered how much I like it's stock design. The PSL is no Dragonov, but it's a great rifle, shooting the same cartridge used by the Mosin-Nagant.
So I'll update if and when I get around to working on the Mosin rifle and carbine. I do think I'll take the M1938 out shooting tomorrow.
First of all, I'd like to see what I call the Browning Bare BAR Bear gun. Years ago, noted gun writer Massad Ayoob gave his opinion for those out backpacking or fishing as far as bear protection, particularly from a charging bear. Mr. Ayoob opined that the venerable BAR rifle in one of it's hard core big calibers fired rapidly four times into the bear's center of mass was the best weapon for that circumstance.
From what I've read about Alaskan bush pilots and homesteaders and those who live off the grid, a combination of large caliber rifles and hard kicking handguns are their choice. Some that come to mind from recent readings include the Glock 10mm, the Ruger Smith and Wesson .44 Magnum and the S&W .500, a 12 gauge pump shotgun shooting slugs or any number of rifles.
Lever and bolt actions I've read about backwoodsmen near grizzly's include .45-70 and others.
And just to make it clear, I'm not talking about hunting bears in any way, shape or form. I believe in avoiding them when fishing or getting to/from fishing spots. But if an encounter is unavoidable, I'd like to be the one walking away.
I agree with Mr. Ayoob. A reliable semi-auto BAR in a large big animal hunting caliber with at least 4 rounds is probably great, backed up by a S&W Model (6)29 or a Glock Model 20.
So although Browning makes an interesting hog hunting gun, it's not in big enough calibers for bear defense. It's also built sorta like a tactical shotgun would be, with a pistol grip. And by the way, the same suggestions below would make an awesome lesser caliber gun for hog hunting, instead of the tactical grip camo one you're selling now. The one EXCELLENT idea on your current hog BAR is the extended magazine.
Just expand this mag size to bigger guns. It doesn't even have to be detachable. Just replaces the stock mag. 10 rounds of .300 Win Mag would be plenty for a charging grizzly or any other number of ill meaning predators.
Here's my suggestions for the Browning Bare BAR Bear gun:
1. I call it Bare because it has a minimum of finish frills and is ultra heavy duty. It's a gun built for the woods. But by the same token, it include the bare necessities that a gun of this nature needs.
2. Make the stock like the Ruger Gunsite with add on fitting pieces and plenty of recoil padding.
3. Consider developing a higher capacity magazine for the large calibers that traditionally hold 3 in the magazine. I noticed the Hog BAR has a quick detach magazine. This gun isn't for combat, but if a charging bear were coming at you, how many rounds would you want on tap? 3? 5? 10? I'd think five was so much better than 3 and if it held 10 it'd be great. Make it a ten round fixed mag if you must, like an SKS.
4. Of course, detachable stock rails for the front and top of the rifle to mount a red dot if desired (fold down sights) and a laser/light on the foregrip.
5. I'm thinking traditional wood stock design, maybe with a synthetic option. Perhaps an ultra lightweight model featuring a skeletal kind of folding stock.
6. 16" or 18" barrel.
Browning, restore this gun to some level of greatness, and see your sales boom. I have one, and have owned several, and desire to own a few more.
First, just where is that Hi-Power replica in .22 LR that you've made so well regarding the 1911-22? The 1911-22 is the finest .22 auto I've shot since my Huntsman and Woodsman and Ruger Marks. Enough said. You're sitting on another little goldmine with a Hi-Power scaled down .22.
As far as full size Hi-Powers, I'm just glad you're still making them.
Secondly, please make a gloss blue finish Hi-Power with FIXED SIGHTS. Your current high end model with the blued finish has adjustables, which are great but add the option. Perhaps consider the converse for those buying the cheaper gun that might want adjustable sights.
Third, the use of the BHP as a concealed carry handgun AND a weapon of soldiers (see many pictures of Prince Harry and his Hi-Power) proves the BHP is a relevant defensive weapon still to this day.
How about a factory model that has some great features for those of use who couldn't afford a Novak custom back in the day. Let's see a REAL BHP Practical model with the Novak FBI modifications. As I recall, there were other models but the Novak stands out.
Fourth, bring back the consumer level BHP practical from the early 90's, both with fixed and adjustable sights. One of my favorites ever.
Fifth, how about re-introducing the compact line? Along with that, I am aware that some lightweight BHP frames were recently on the market, possibly from some foreign maker like Israel. An alloy framed full size BHP would be a very attractive carry gun for me personally, and I am on the lookout for an alloy frame to constuct my own lightweight model in the near future.
Sixth, I wish the beavertail was a tad big longer. Barring that, and I doubt that would change, including the option of an extra round hammer for those of us who, despite the greatest of care and lots of BHP shooting experience, have been "hammer bit" with the traditional hammer.
The BHP is a great gun, and given the huge 1911 market, and the 1911 market in 9mm guns, I really think some innovative introductions to your product line would be well received and profitable.
While my sister might think the 1911 model in .380 is a great idea for her, I'd sure love to have a full size alloy framed deep blued BHP with fixed sights.
And of course, I've always longed for a BHP with a deep, gorgeous blue finish on with a gold plated hammer, trigger, safety, slide release, mag release and a custom buttplate on the bottom of the magazine. Some pimped out thin-ish ivory grips with my initials inlaid wouldn't be so bad either.
I recently got a couple of comments I haven't published seeking contact with a legendary musician friend from Houston. I decided I would screen that person and refer their info to the mysterious drummer and guitarist and vocalist from too many Houston bands of note to mention for five decades.
SO Mac, send a comment with your real name and an email address and I'll get it to L Bar for you. Read on to see just how arduous that will be.
His name is El Bar, or also spelled as L Bar. I've also been known to call him El Barrio if I've had a few Jack Daniels. There's a long and complex and frankly, a quite boring story attached to how a man we'll call John Doe became known to his friends as L Bar. Of course, as the seasoned reader might imagine, it might possibly have some slight connection to a bar, as in a bar where Coors Light and liquor flows, or as in bars, meaning multiple such establishments. Mostly bars where live music is played but generally any bar will do.
He's a slippery one in recent years. His fans from his music days will not give him peace. In the what seem like long ago now, in those pre-cartel days on Mexico's west coast in a small fishing village north of Acapulco, he found much solace from those who sought his counsel and advice. But after the cartel violence started, he had to relocate.
Sadly, his absence from Houston and the music scene for the past 10 years has not waned the desires of his fans. If anything, they became and are still more obsessed with locating him.
Lots of folks don't know that before Ron Wood was asked to replace Mick Taylor in the Stones 40 years ago, L Bar was asked and refused. Yep. Little known fact. The past few years, in between the adventures he's been having as outlined below, he's been filling in for Ronnie Wood on the perpetual world tour that the Stones have been on now for the past 15 years or so when Wood was illing. L Bar slaps on a bad wig and nobody notices the difference. Sometimes, Keith Richards doesn't even notice that it's not Ronnie Wood playing. L Bar even did one gig on the drums when Watts had a prior conflict.
For awhile in the not too distant past, he was in Belieze with wildman and virus software pioneer John McAfee, before things went south for McAfee down there. Look closely in some of the photos from those carefree first days when McAfee could do no wrong with the government there, and there's some shadowy fellow always in the background that to me looks a lot like L Bar.
After that, a few months before McAfee and the authorities there got crossways, L Bar could see some kind of trouble coming and he bid that crew goodbye.
L Bar next surfaced in Australia, winning a cross continent motor cycle race on his fancy-dancy Aprilla dual sport. It's a nice one. After taking up with some kind of Aborigine go-go dancer while there, he decided to take up surfing and headed up to Asia. Apparently, he also achieved some notoriety as a kangaroo wrangler in his down time down under, and was referred to as that "Roo-Rangler wanker" by his friends.
After that, it was on to Goa, where the Indian beaches have lured hippies worldwide since the sixties. He won some kind of contest there for having the most back hair, even around a bunch of hippies who have not shaved in decades. I hear that he gave an impromptu "unplugged" gig there after a few too many Coors Lights and blew his identity and had to move on.
Next, L Bar was in Ibiza, and it seemed he had found his place in modern music. He was doing DJ'ing at some of the biggest spots on the island, and almost all the private parties there. For awhile, I heard he had an identity crisis and began calling himself Herr Von Elle Baer and fancied himself to be Dutch. He really got into Dutch clogging as a hobby then merged it with his DJ act and then accidently whacked himself in the head with an errant clog and gave that up. But for a few months, he was heralded as the "great white hope of Ibizian DJ clogging" for the future.
After that, he next surfaced in one South American country after another. You know the story. One broken heart after another. For awhile, some friends and I went looking for him on our vacations. Peru. Columbia. Argentina. Chile. Brazil.
We were always one step behind him at every port of call, an trail of crushed Coors Light cans, the silver bullet, empty, like the trail leading to the next locale of L Bar.
He ended up somehow on the Faulkland Islands, trying to broker an agreement between the UK and Argentina. The President of Argentina, Christine whatshername, is a big fan of L Bar. Likewise, half of Parliament and their parents were raised on bootleg tapes of L Bar playing with Euro favorites like I.P. Sweatt.
So L Bar was a natural and after some negotiation it appears secret agreements have been reached.
I'm sure there are spots I've missed. Lots of his work can't be talked about.
I know that if this commenter forwards their information, It'll take a few weeks for me to make arrangements to fly to large city in Asia. From there, it will be small planes, trains and automobiles to get me near to the remote beachside jungle where L Bar now resides. Three more days by animal, several more upriver by boat and another two on foot and there he resides, the great L Bar. Far from internet, cell phones and for the most part, civilization.
The final part of the journey to see L Bar involves one of those scary trips up a cliffside in a rope pulled basket, after being screened down below by the former Mexican Navy Special Forces female bodyguards who now guard L Bar.
You've seen those towering islands of rock off the coast of Thailand? Well, you go past those by plane early in the journey. His place is many days past there.
Like some kind of Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now. Sitting on a throne of Coors Light cans.